When wanting a replica bag, much research has to be done. There are about 90% crappy bag sites versus about 10% that have great quality replica bags. Even "good" bags range in quality, detail, fabric etc. Why a carry a "designer" bag when everyone knows that you have a fake.... The secret of 1-1 grade A%2B quality bags is that the exact same materials and craftsmanship as the originals are used. The only difference is that the bag wasn't manufactured in the "Gucci" factory or the "Prada" factory. They are made outside the factories with the exact same materials.
Do your research when it comes to leather bags; find out what kind of leather the manufacturer uses. If it's just like the original, the type of leather will be indicated in the website egg, crocodile leather, nappa leather; pig skin etc...if the website doesn't mention that, you may be in for a big surprise when you receive your bag. Remember, you are paying for quality; you want your bag to be EXACTLY the same as the original. Otherwise why bother. I found a site and have purchased multiple bags. I'm so excited about this site because the bags are IDENTICAL....I mean it.
When buying online it's always best to read reviews. It's scary business and there's a lot of fraud out there. Ebay can be really bad for telling people their bags are real when really they're not. Look for an online store that has lot's of description (size, materials used, colour). Multiple pictures of the bag is also very important. You want to see your bag looks like inside and out before you buy.
www.Designerfaves.com exceeded my expectations. They also shipped my purchase for free. I hope this helps to all of you searching for a reliable bag supplier. Why pay $2000 when you could pay around $250 for the exact same thing (including great quality leather bags). Good luck girls.
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