When it comes to designer handbags, many people think one expensive bag as just like any other expensive bag. This article gives advice on how to select the best handbag for any occasion.
Finding the right handbag can be a wonderful or frustrating as sifting through a box of chocolates. You can't simply just select one based on outward appearances alone. Finding joy in shopping requires a short checklist of decision making criteria, but it can be fun and a great experience if you set out with the right frame of mind. When it comes to designer handbags, many people think one expensive bag as just like any other expensive bag. But, au contraire, my beautiful friend. No two chocolates are alike and neither are the luxurious goods from a far. From the exotic, to the classic, high fashion to everyday practical, special occasion to evening casual, the reasons and styles for designer handbags vary as much as the contents carried within.
One of my favorite lines is the iconic collection of Prada Handbags. From satchels to totes, shoulder bags to hobo bags, clutches, frame bags and more, Prada Handbags have provided the classic and simple elegance that is true to Italian style. When selecting your newest addition of style and statement, a few things should be considered prior to the hunt.
What's the end use?
Will this handbag be for a special occasion, event or reason or are you just in the mood for that latest and greatest of Prada Handbags? Either way, once you've determined the cause of the shopping extravaganza, you should now consider size.
Size - How much do you need to bring with you?
If size wasn't determined by the use, you need to determine how large or small of a handbag you'll require for your must have possessions. We all know that for weddings and special occasions where the dress is the focal point, you don't want to overpower your formal wear with a purse that is too prominent, either in size or color. If this isn't for a special occasion, but rather an everyday handbag, then you move onto your daily valuables. If you're the kind of gal that tags her entire makeup collection everywhere she goes, then you'll want to forgo the clutch style and opt for a Hobo or Shoulder Bag that provides ample room for all your beauty necessities. I myself, tend to me a bit of a minimalist when it comes to items to carry, but I love making a statement with accessories. This is where I find my connection with Prada Handbags. Since they are always on the cutting edge of fashion, I know that with the simple addition of my Prada Glace Bowler Handbag, that I can wear just about anything on my body and still look glamorous and convey a sense of style, class and of course, luxury. Prada is well known for simple elegance. Dating back to the company's origins in 1913, where it began as a small luxury goods and accessories shop, the Prada name became a fashion must have in the mid 1980's and has maintained its simplistic yet very desirable allure over the years. Once a Prada girl, always a Prada girl.
Price - Do you have a budget or is price of no concern?
Even designer handbags like Prada Handbags, Gucci, Marc Jacobs, Chloe & Fendi can vary in price. You can always get a great savings if you're not too concerned with last seasons fashions being part of your newest addition. Also, there are many great deals that can be found online, but be careful as not all dealers sell authentic merchandise. This leads us to our next consideration.
Authenticity - Know the tell tale signs and stick with reputable merchants
Check that the merchant has a solid return policy, look for reviews from previous buyers and do your homework. If it looks too good to be true, it is. In fashion like anything else, I stand by my golden rule of you get what you pay for. If it was a steal of a deal…it very well could've been in more ways than one. When it comes to forking over your hard earned cash, you want to make sure that you A)don't pay more than you have to, but B) you don't pay for something that is not worth its value. Pay attention to the details. Your handbag should carry the same quality on the inside as it does on the outside. If the outside material looks passable for the real thing, but the inside material looks less than perfect, you've got a knockoff. Check that the hardware looks as high quality as the rest of the purse. If it looks less cheap, doesn't function properly, carries a off odor or isn't aligned correctly, it's more than likely a fake. Another tell tale sign is the stitching. Crooked, loose or poor stitching means its not the real deal.
Style - Sense & Sensibility
Now that you've gone through a few of the basics, you're on your way to hunt, scour and have an adventure. Finding the designer handbag that best fits your personality, style and expression can be one of the most fulfilling pastimes. When you find the bag, it's like no other feeling, except of course when you sink your teeth into just the right morsel of chocolate in a box filled of surprises, mediocre selections and some down right wrong mixtures. But when you get the one…it's a little bite of heaven. So ladies, I've provided a few helpful hints for those new to the designer handbag scene. I'm going to take my collection of designer handbags and my box of chocolates and have myself a little mini celebration of two of life's greatest joys...chocolate and Prada Handbags.
About the author: As a personal shopper, Sam A. Brown follows the latest trends in designer handbags and is a longtime fan of Prada Handbags and Prada Shoes. (www.intrends.com)
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